Change Leaders in Philanthropy Fellowship

The Change Leaders in Philanthropy Fellowship is an 11-month peer cohort program for senior executives who are responsible for developing and guiding key change efforts in their organizations.
- Applications are now closed for the 2023-2024 cohort.
To preview the questions asked in application, please click here. Please note we only accept online applications and this is solely a preview.
Program participants will explore what it takes to lead transformational change through an individual, organizational and ecosystem lens. Participants will convene in-person and virtually with one another to learn, share resources and apply insights to their work in real-time.
Informational Webinars
These informational webinars provide an overview of the program’s structure and goals, as well as an opportunity for you to hear and learn directly from program facilitators and former cohort participants.
Click here to access the recording of our informational webinar hosted on September 19, 2023.
Why is GEO leading this cohort?
This fellowship program began as a part of Grantmakers for Effective Organization’s larger Leading Change in Philanthropy initiative and is a response to requests from executives to have more support, resources and guidance on how they can lead organizational change efforts. In addition to creating a supportive community where executives have the assistance and guidance they need, the program also helps participants identify best practices and recommendations for creating organizational conditions that support nonprofit success.
With this fellowship, our goals are to:
- Create a supportive community where executives have candid conversations and learn with one another about leading change within organizations to support nonprofit success.
- Increase participants’ knowledge, skills and efficacy for implementing and guiding organizational change.
- Identify best practices and recommendations for creating organizational conditions that lead to smarter grantmaking. These practices, informed by fellows’ experiences and related research, will be shared broadly with the field to support other leaders and build greater knowledge of leading change in philanthropy.
Who is eligible to participate?
Eligible participants in the Change Leaders in Philanthropy Fellowship are senior executives who:
- Work at grantmaking organizations that are GEO members,
- Report directly to the CEO, and
- Are responsible for leading and/or supporting change in their organizations.
Preference is for only one participant from each organization, but we are open to having two or more participants from one organization if all fit the criteria above and are working together on a change project at their organization.
What if I don’t report to my CEO?
We recognize that organizations have different reporting structures. Participants should have enough organizational authority and influence to own and lead an organizational change effort.
What are the time commitments and participant expectations for the 2023-2024 cohort?
Communities of practice rely on the active engagement of all members. The minimum expected time commitment for this cohort includes:
1. Participation in one orientation webinar. We will hold the same webinar twice to accommodate different schedules.
- Wednesday, 11/15 from 12pm - 1pm ET
- Thursday, 11/16 from 1pm - 2pm ET
2. Full participation in three separate CLIPF retreats. Each retreat will be three days and in-person.
- The First Retreat will be held from Monday, March 4 – Wednesday, March 6, 2024 in Washington, DC
- The Second Retreat will be held in June 2024 (exact dates and location TBD, most likely Los Angeles, CA from Wednesday, June 5 – Friday, June 7, 2024)
- The Third Retreat will be held mid-September 2024 (exact dates and location TBD)
3. Cohort and individual activities between retreats on CLIPF Thursdays, 90-minutes every other Thursday in April, May, July and August 2024 for:
- Peer exchange and coaching as part of a “home team” made up of a subset of colleagues from the cohort
- 1-on-1 check-ins with facilitators and other fellows
- Individual practice and reflection, readings, and conversations inside your organization
- Occasional virtual conversations on topics of the cohort’s choosing or related to the Change Leaders in Philanthropy Alumni (Change Leaders Community)
What is the fee for the program?
For members with an annual grantmaking budget greater than $25 million in grants, the program fee for the 2023 - 2024 cohort is $6,200. For members with an annual grantmaking budget of less than $25 million in grants, the program fee is $3,800. We appreciate organizations who donate beyond the fee to support our scholarship fund to make the program more accessible.
Please use your foundation’s grantmaking giving range (e.g., grants, discretionary, FOI, etc.) to determine your fee. In addition to the fee, fellowship participants will be responsible for travel and lodging fees associated with each retreat.
To remove prohibitive barriers to participation and assemble a more inclusive cohort, GEO will offer a modest scholarship for the program fee (up to a maximum of $2,000) to a maximum of two participants. Requesting financial assistance will not affect acceptance into the fellowship. Scholarship recipients are still expected to cover travel and lodging fees associated with each retreat.
Have questions? Contact Jaser Alsharhan, Director of Programs.
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