What We Care About
Organizational Change
Knowing what works and taking steps to change your work for the better is easier said than done. But real change is possible when our organizations foster innovative and supportive environments where smarter grantmaking practices can thrive.
grantmakers are going through some type of change or transformation over the next two years.
These are places where everyone — from the board and CEO to staff at every level — feel empowered to play a role in the process. And change is most possible when we bring nonprofits and community partners in to help shape our work. Organizations committed to creating lasting change find ways to prepare everyone to advocate for and adopt changes to practice.
As we fully and intentionally commit ourselves to change in pursuit of smarter grantmaking, we can push philanthropy forward to give nonprofits what they need to grow stronger and achieve more. . If more of us adopt smarter grantmaking practices successfully, we will see faster progress on the complex challenges facing our communities.
The complex issues we are all trying to tackle require us to look holistically at all the interconnections, the assumptions that are driving our decisions and strategies, and how we as foundations are either helping solve or actually exacerbating the problems.
Jennifer Martin, founder and principal, Community Change Group
Helpful Tools and Resources
Stay informed of the emerging trends and promising practices from the field of philanthropy through GEO’s publications and research.
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Perspectives on Philanthropy
Interesting thoughts and ideas circulating in the GEO community.
Center for Effective Philanthropy
"Building the right internal culture at any organization, foundations included, requires proactive attention from the CEO." Read more in this article from Kevin Bolduc, vice president of assessment tools at CEP.
Daniel Lee explores how to approach nonprofit leadership development as a high-yielding, high-leverage strategy.
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