Peer Communities
The GEO community knows that we cannot accomplish the longstanding equity-centered and community-driven change we would like to see in the sector of philanthropy by working alone. We need to harness the power of community to interrogate previous ways of being and move towards collective solutions.
As a GEO member, you have access to our robust peer learning offerings, including Peer Communities. Peer Communities offer the chance to dig deep on specific grantmaking practices and collaborate with similarly positioned peers. Each of the Peer Communities has the following to guide your continued learning: • A virtual community of support using both Slack and Email as communication tools • An advisory committee made up of your peers to guide important decisions on programming and objectives • A program each quarter for you to engage with peers on a regular basis on a specific topic related to your peer communities. • In-person meet ups around GEO conferences and events
Right now, we offer the following Peer Communities for GEO members:
• Capacity Building Champions: The Capacity Building Champions is an engaged and vibrant learning community of grantmakers who embrace grantee-centered capacity building as a strategy for building nonprofit resilience.
• Strategic Learners Network: The Strategic Learners Network is a peer community of GEO members, whose work includes dot-connecting, pattern-finding and holding the space for internal strategic learning.
• Equitable Operations: Equitable Operations that is dedicated to identifying, interrogating and shifting internal practices within human resources, finance, risk management and information technology (IT).
If you are interested in joining one of these peer communities listed above, please fill out the interest form here.
**Please note that filling out this interest form does not equate acceptance in the communities. Peer Community leads will review your interest form before communicating with you about acceptance and next steps.

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