GEO Supporters
GEO is pleased to recognize those organizations who give core or programmatic support through the traditional grant process, as well as those that contribute through GEO’s Leadership Circle.
This support allows GEO to continue offering best-in-class resources, conferences and peer learning. Additionally, this support gives GEO the support to continue experimenting to offer new opportunities for our community — and the space to explore new approaches and practices that matter most to nonprofits.
In addition to the traditional grant process, GEO started the Leadership Circle in 2014. This program encourages members to further support GEO by “rounding up” their annual membership contribution with an additional donation. It’s an easy way to assist GEO’s work and the GEO community, and Circle members have a powerful cumulative effect on our ability to transform grantmaker practices.
By supporting the GEO community in these efforts, these supporters are creating a positive ripple effect throughout philanthropy by fostering new connections and increasing the spread of ideas among our community. If you join them, your support will have a direct connection to changing how philanthropy operates — and to giving nonprofits the support they need to tackle the challenges facing our world.

Interested in supporting GEO?
Contact Bo, our Membership/Development Specialist
Unrestricted and Program Support:
- Angell Foundation
- Anonymous
- Barr Foundation
- Blue Shield of California Foundation
- Borealis Philanthropy
- Casey Family Programs
- Charles and Lynn Schusterman Family Philanthropies
- The David and Lucile Packard Foundation
- Evelyn & Walter Haas, Jr. Fund
- Ford Foundation
- Fund for Shared Insight
- John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation
- Kaiser Permanente
- The Kresge Foundation
- Robert Sterling Clark Foundation
- Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
- Rockefeller Brothers Fund
- S.D. Bechtel, Jr. Foundation
- Surdna Foundation
- The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation
- W.K. Kellogg Foundation
2020 National Conference Support:
- Ashoka
- Bank of America Private Bank
- Barr Foundation
- Casey Family Programs
- Claneil Foundation
- Community Foundation of Southeastern Massachusetts
- Endowment for Health
- Fidelity Foundation
- First 5 LA
- GMA Foundation
- Harman Family Foundation
- Nellie Mae Education Foundation
- New Hampshire Charitable Foundation
- State Street Foundation
- The Boston Foundation
- The Hyams Foundation
- The Klarman Family Foundation
- The Melville Charitable Trust
- TSNE MissionWorks
- van Beuren Charitable Foundation Inc.
- Wagner Foundation
- Walton Family Foundation
Leadership Circle Support:
- Anonymous
- The Bainum Family Foundation
- Baptist Community Ministries
- Bigglesworth Family Foundation
- Blandin Foundation
- BlueCross and BlueShield of North Carolina Foundation
- Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts Foundation, Inc.
- The Brinson Foundation
- Bush Foundation
- California HealthCare Foundation
- Campion Advocacy Fund
- The Cleveland Foundation
- The Colorado Health Foundation
- The Columbus Foundation
- Communities Foundation of Texas Inc.
- The Cricket Island Foundation
- Dan and Margaret Maddox Charitable Fund
- Deaconess Foundation
- The Durfee Foundation
- The Dyson Foundation
- The Eugene and Agnes E. Meyer Foundation
- Fairfield County’s Community Foundation Inc.
- The Grable Foundation
- Greater Twin Cities United Way
- Hawai'i Community Foundation
- Health Foundation for Western and Central New York
- Henry P. Kendall Foundation
- Houston Endowment Inc.
- John Rex Endowment
- Lancaster County Community Foundation
- Levi Strauss Foundation
- Liberty Hill Foundation
- Maine Health Access Foundation
- Margaret A. Cargill Philanthropies
- Marguerite Casey Foundation
- Mary Reynolds Babcock Foundation
- Moses Taylor Foundation
- Nellie Mae Education Foundation
- The Oak Foundation
- The Priddy Foundation
- Robins Foundation
- Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors
- Ruth Mott Foundation
- Saint Luke’s Foundation of Cleveland, Ohio
- The Sheltering Arms Foundation
- Stupski Foundation
- Sunlight Giving
- Tarsadia Foundation
- Wagner Foundation
- William Caspar Graustein Memorial Fund