
From publications to toolkits, GEO’s resources lift up experiences from your peers to help you turn knowledge into action.


A Change Management & Deep Equity Primer: The What, Why, How & Nuance

This publication from Movement Tapestries offers insights and guidance for organizations navigating equity-embedded transformations, and the challenges that can come with embarking on such journeys.
  • January 16, 2023
  • Sheryl Petty, Ed.D.


About 68 results.

  • Event Materials Members Only

    2018 National Conference Discussion Guide: The GEO Community at 20

    Over the last 20 years, the GEO community has worked to transform a desire for results into real improvements by creating spaces where grantmakers learn together and use that learning to drive concrete changes in the way grantmaking work gets done. As a field, we've made progress. And, as we continue learning together, our understanding of effective philanthropy evolves.
    • June 13, 2018
  • Related Materials Members Only

    GEO's Resources on Culture and Change Management

    In your first year of GEO membership, to help you stay informed of the emerging trends and promising practices from the field, I'll point you to GEO's publications, research and peer conversations. Below, find links to tools and resources on collaboration. I hope these are helpful as you explore how GEO can support your work.
    • February 1, 2018
    • Andrea Wieters
  • Publication

    Is Grantmaking Getting Smarter?

    Through our research over the past 20 years, Grantmakers for Effective Organizations has identified a set of grantmaker practices that help nonprofits achieve better results. Every three years, GEO conducts a study to help us understand how we are doing as a field, including trends over time as well as new areas of inquiry.
    • November 1, 2017
  • Event Materials Members Only

    The Learning Conference 2017 Discussion Guide: Culture in Action

    Recognizing the need for adopting and maintaining a learning culture in our organizations is just the first step. How do we go about addressing the challenge of actually creating and living out this culture in our daily work and across our organization? What does it mean to have an active learning culture in your organization?
    • July 7, 2017
  • Event Materials Members Only

    The Learning Conference 2017 Discussion Guide: Disrupting a City's Culture Using Evidence-Based Optimism

    As the managing director of Chicago Beyond, a philanthropic venture investing in ideas and programs to amplify impact for Chicago’s youth, Liz Dozier discussed at GEO’s Learning Conference 2017 how Chicago Beyond is bringing community voice into data collection to answer thorny questions and spur the innovation it seeks for the young people of Chicago.
    • July 7, 2017
  • Event Materials Members Only

    The Learning Conference 2017 Discussion Guide: Escaping the Echo Chamber

    Jessamyn Shams-Lau, the executive director of the Peery Foundation, gave a Short Talk at GEO’s Learning Conference 2017 that offered an insider look at the good, the bad, and the ugly of building an organizational culture of seeking, discussing, and implementing feedback at a family foundation.
    • July 7, 2017
  • Publication

    Exploring Microcultures and Why They Matter

    This is a publication about microcultures in philanthropy — small groups of people in our organizations with their own assumptions, values and working behaviors. These groups significantly shape the underlying character of our organizations.
    • June 7, 2017
  • Executive Summary

    The Annie E. Casey Foundation Grantmaking with a Racial Equity Lens

    Embracing Equity: 7 Steps to Advance and Embed Race Equity and Inclusion Within Your Organization
    • March 17, 2017
  • Member Story Members Only

    GEOASKS: Sarah Cotton Nelson and Ann Marie Warrick, Communities Foundation of Texas

    In this GEOAsks, Communities Foundation of Texas shares how it shaped its organizational culture and the challenges it still faces.
    • December 1, 2016
    • Rumsha Ahmed
  • Member Story

    Member Story: Social Venture Partners Seattle

    Member Story: Social Venture Partners Seattle
    • November 17, 2016