A Change Management & Deep Equity Primer: The What, Why, How & Nuance

GEO is pleased to co-release this publication from Sheryl Petty, Ed.D. of Movement Tapestries.
Change is a force that is simultaneously generative, stimulating creativity and innovation, and disruptive, destabilizing or re-ordering existing conditions. Organizations embarking on equity transformation processes often grapple with questions about the work they are engaging in and where they aspire to land as it relates to advancing change. These common questions can present moments of tension or stuckness, for organizations, staff, boards and equity practitioners, whether in identifying the greatest power levers, unaddressed challenges, or navigating fear or misalignment that can impede larger transformation journeys. Through this publication, Sheryl Petty supports systems to unstick and deepen their ability to advance and embody Deep Equity.
This partnership is different from GEO’s historic way of developing publications in hopes to introduce dynamic practice leaders as well as an emerging body of work that promises to improve our effectiveness as grantmakers, change agents, managers, and organizational leaders. Our hope is that this publication and Sheryl Petty’s thought leadership supports you in embracing the power of change to reveal new possibilities in your equity transformation journey.
About the Author

Sheryl Petty, Ed.D.
CEO & Founder
Sheryl has worked in organizational development, systems change, equity, education, and field building for nearly 30 years. She currently consults with national and international nonprofits/NGOs, philanthropic institutions, government agencies, colleges and universities on comprehensive equity transformation processes and field alignment. Sheryl holds degrees in Mathematics, Systematic Theology, a doctorate in Leadership & Change, and is a yoga asana instructor and ordained in Tibetan Buddhist (Vajrayana/Nyingma) and indigenous African-based (Yoruba/Lucumi) traditions.
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