GEOList Summary: Scaling Strategies and Methods

  • Rumsha Ahmed, January 27, 2012

One of our central task in the coming three years will be gathering and sharing knowledge about scaling strategies and methods in cooperation with academics and practitioners. We will publish national and international learning cases to encourage the understanding of the significance of the topic. We would very much like to discuss the following two questions with you: (1) Is there a standard or working definition for Methods for Scaling, which can help to distinguish the different affiliations forms - or is this an impossible mission? We found the example of Dees, which separates Dissemination, Affiliation and Branching, but does not really define the differences. Another approach is that of NESTA, a UK-based organization, which proposes four different methods: Uncontrolled Diffusion, Replication, Expansion and Take Over. And subdivides the replication forms into: Promotion, Licensing, Federations and franchising. (2) Does anyone know of any scientific research on the psychological and social factors which impede the dissemination of effective models?

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