GEOList Summary: Multi-Year Grants
We want/need to go to a multi-year (2 year ) granting process. 1. How do we structure the givng of the money? 1/2 the first year, 1/2 the second year? Do we give a lump sum all at once? 2. If we distribute 1/2 the $ in Year 1, do we then ask for an evaluation of the 1st year's progress? Can we withhold the monies, that have been promised, for the second year? Or, do we build in a contingency that the Second Year $ will be given providing they meet specific criteria? 3. Should there be a monetary limit, as our minimum is $25,000. 4. How do we ask re: the need for a 2 year grant on our Grants application? We were thinking we would ask for Year 1 budget projections, and Year 2 budget projections. Is that realistic or will organization merely give us conjectures?
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