GEOList Summary: Measuring Your Ability to Leverage and Attract Additional Resources

  • Rumsha Ahmed, June 19, 2013

We are in the process of developing Key Performance Indicators to measure and manage our own internal performance. One thing we are interested in understanding is if/to what extent, we are using our funding and our position as a major regional funder to attract additional philanthropic dollars to our region and to our grantees (e.g., through challenge grants, by connecting grantees with national funders who may not be familiar with their work, etc.). Has anyone else tried to capture this data or done something similar? If so we would love to hear how you approached it. We know that with the exception of challenge grants, it will be difficult to capture an exact number and that it is difficult to show causation, but are still interested in finding a way to get an idea of how effectively we can attract additional investments. Any ideas or lessons learned would be greatly appreciated.

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