GEOList Summary: Community Knowledge Practices
We are in the process of developing a five year community knowledge strategy. We are curious to know if others have developed written long-term plans for their knowledge work. Community Knowledge for us encompasses our Donor Edge platform , a community knowledge online issue oriented part of our website Learn & Share, community convenings about issues, a community quality of life survey as well as knowledge derived from our grants and other leadership activities including our partnership and long-standing support of two local initiatives: DataHaven and On-Line Journalism Project. Specifically: - What was the process used to develop the strategy? - What kind of activities are included in the strategy? - What are the outcomes you hope to achieve through your community knowledge strategy? - And most importantly how do you measure the ROI of such a strategy? Could you share examples of short and long term outcome measures? - Would you be willing to participate in a 30 minute phone call so we can learn more about your knowledge strategy and how we might learn from what you are doing?
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