GEOList Summary: Board Meeting Activity Suggestions
We are seeking interesting/educational/fun activity suggestions to break up our board meetings. Our board (six family members ages 40 to 75) meets twice per year – 1.5 days in the spring, and one full day in the fall. In the past we have dedicated half an hour to an exercise like “taking a stand” where board members move to different sides of the room depending on their preferences, or using poker chips to indicate their relative level of interest in our focus areas, or taking a multiple choice quiz about information on our website. We are especially interested in activities that get board members out of their seats and encourage them to think about issues that are relevant to the Foundation either programmatically or organizationally. However, we want to avoid issues that are too controversial or exercises that require individual board members to stand out from the group. Please let us know if you have activities that you have successfully used with your boards.
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