Centering Race Equity and Thinking Strategically in a Long-Term Crisis: A Discussion of Organizational Responses to COVID-19

Using the framework Nicola Chin shared in a recent Woke@Work guest blog, panelists will discuss examples of how organizations are both centering race equity in immediate responses to COVID-19 and thinking strategically for the longer-term.

Event Details

With the emergence of COVID-19, the most vulnerable members of society are more under-resourced and at risk of death than average. At the same time, many organizations just beginning equity work are questioning if it can/should continue, either because they no longer have revenue to pay for it, or because they “don’t have the bandwidth.” Using the framework Nicola Chin shared in a recent Woke@Work guest blog, panelists will discuss examples of how organizations are both centering race equity in immediate responses to COVID-19 and thinking strategically for the longer-term.

Start: Friday, May 22, 12:00 PM Eastern

End: Friday, May 22, 1:30 PM Eastern


  • Amanda Andere

    CEO, Funders Together to End Homelessness

  • Andrew Plumley

    Director of Inclusion, American Alliance of Museums

  • Hanh Le

    Co-CEO, iF, A Foundation for Radical Possibility

  • Kerrien Suarez

    Executive Director, Equity in the Center

  • Nicola Chin

    Founder, Up With Community

Cassie Maxwell, events assistant, GEO


Contact Cassie Maxwell

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