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Taking Action on Learning Webinar

Join us for a conversation on the release of GEO's latest publication, Learning in Philanthropy: A Guidebook. We'll discuss the contents of the guidebook, hear from Maurice Samuels on how the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation approaches learning and dig deeper into taking action.

Event Details

When grantmakers focus on learning for improvement, we use evaluation and learning to generate information and insights that will help us better understand both how we’re doing in our work and how to improve. A focus on taking action based on what we learn ensures that we are engaged in strategic or applied learning. In GEO’s latest publication, Learning in Philanthropy: A Guidebook, we explore these concepts and provide a solid basis for thinking and talking about the next steps in your organization’s learning work. During this webinar, we will explore some of the themes of this publication and hear from Maurice Samuels of the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation about how they structure and use their learning work. Join us to hear more about this new resource and how you might apply it in your own learning efforts.

Start: Wednesday, August 14, 2:00 PM Eastern

End: Wednesday, August 14, 3:15 PM Eastern


  • Nichole Hoeflich

    Director of Programs, GEO

  • Maurice Samuels

    Senior Evaluation Officer, MacArthur Foundation

Related Reading

Learning in Philanthropy: A Guidebook

When grantmakers focus on learning for improvement, we use evaluation and learning to generate information and insights that will help us better understand both how we’re doing in our work and how to improve. A focus on taking action based on what we learn ensures that we are engaged in strategic or applied learning. This publication serves as an orientation for staff and board members highlighting key concepts, how to get started, and how others in the field are thinking about and addressing important issues around learning. This publication provides a solid basis for thinking and talking about the next steps in your organization’s learning work.

Learn More
Grantmakers for Effective Organizations


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